samedi 28 juillet 2012

Rebtel - Call any number for free from your mobile

Hello again guys,
Today we will talk about something new , did you ever imagine that you can call any number from your phone for Free 5 minutes !!! yes this is possible now and I'll explain to you how to do that.

First all what you have to do is go to this website 
==> Rebtel <==

This what will you find

Chose "Essayer Rebtel gratuitement !"

you will be redirected to this page to sign up (You can click on Connect with Facebook to do it faster)

After you fill the informations neccessary , Now add the number that you would like to call for FREE ( your friend number or girlfriend number)

fill the needed informations and click on "Suite"

You will see this 

the number started with 098 is the number that you should type on your phone and call it and the call will be redirected to your friend imidiatly for FREE !!! 
(They will sent it to your phone also in sms)
Now click on "Continuez"
you will be redirected to this 

after clicking on "Vérifier maintenant" they will call you and ask you to click on 1 to verify your account 

From now every time you need to call your friend you should call the number started with  "098"  that they sent it  to you phone on SMS and you will talk with your friend for 5 FREE minutes !! :D 

I hope that you like the method 
and I hope that you enjoyed with me :)

good luck every one and Enjoy the FREE 5 minutes.

See you very soon with another Topic.

All rights reserved : Mouad Benmakhlouf.

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